"A Rude Awakening" by D. S. Vanderbilt

Forum concerning the apparent demise of manners and social etiquette in America. Has it occurred, is it now occurring? Why? What do YOU think? Please post your comments and suggestions. I thank you, D. S. Vanderbilt

Saturday, December 31, 2016

A curious article appearing today, New Year's Eve 2016 reads:

Trump wishes Happy New Year to all his friends and enemies.

Well, using the term "enemies" only seeks a continuation of flame and blame to those one believes to be in opposition to one's ideals and agenda.

Would it not be a wiser choice of words to replace "enemies" with the word "skeptics" or "nay-sayers"?

The usage of the word "enemies" solidifies a status of opposition implying an unmovable concept or belief.
It may be virtually impossible to "convert" an enemy...not so a "skeptic". 

All things are relative, but the use of verbal diplomacy can be quite effective in "softening" harsh dialogue.

All I am saying is, "think carefully of what you say, Mr. Trump. You are about to enter a realm in which diplomacy and subtlety is key. Would it not be better to have some of your 'enemies' think of you in more positive terms, thus providing 'permission' to give peace a chance?  Oh, I forgot....it takes some compromising. I hope you are able to learn and embrace this concept during your term in office."

D. S. Vanderbilt

Rodeo, New Mexico


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