"A Rude Awakening" by D. S. Vanderbilt

Forum concerning the apparent demise of manners and social etiquette in America. Has it occurred, is it now occurring? Why? What do YOU think? Please post your comments and suggestions. I thank you, D. S. Vanderbilt

Sunday, January 01, 2017

I'm so glad (yet also sad) to see how some are giving thought to some of the great names of show business, many of whom have passed this past year. Sad...because they ARE now passed, and glad because of the high praise, tribulation and honor many have bestowed upon these great names. Let us take, as and" example, actress/singer/dancer and comedian, Debbie Reynolds. It is hard to imagine the great personal loss she experienced just days ago, when her daughter and also highly revered actress, Carrie Fisher, died shortly following an in-flight cardiac intervention. Yesterday, I read a post on Facebook describing a fan of Ms. Reynolds' as seemingly "obsessed" with the actress following her sudden death. The fan wrote and posted numerous tributes to the actress one after the next. I believe this gushing of tribulation of the actress is mistaken for "obsession", when it is (in my belief) a coping mechanism...a "mourning"....not an "obsession." We all have different manners of coping or mourning a death or other forms of loss...regardless of relationship- close, distant or non-existing. It may be a "venting" technique or a "reality check" for a person to write or speak of the person no longer present. What is a great loss for some may not be a great loss for others. Try to provide comfort- space and compassion for any person experiencing a loss. Minimizing that emotion being displayed by others is heartless- cruel and unnecessary. Take the "upper road" to comfort and understand that person's great sense of loss- one day it WILL happen to you!


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