"A Rude Awakening" by D. S. Vanderbilt

Forum concerning the apparent demise of manners and social etiquette in America. Has it occurred, is it now occurring? Why? What do YOU think? Please post your comments and suggestions. I thank you, D. S. Vanderbilt

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

The "One Year Rule" 

Did you receive an "unwanted" or "redundant" gift over this recent Holiday season?

You received the gift and, now, WHAT will you do with it? 

This gift-giving dilemma is fairly common, and we all get to participate sooner or later. 
It's a fairly easy situation to deal with, but there are (as in most social situations) some rules.
We'll make this very easy.  

Let's assume, the gift was a gift "exchange"...a pleasantry observed each year, 
and an exchange in which mutual expressions of gratitude were issued- the big "thank you". 

Forget the fact that that you had spent bigger $$$ on the gift you had given to your friend or relation- 
chalk it up to an expense that you can easily either absorb or remember for the next year exchange.
So, here you are with either a gift that is a "re-gift", an unwanted gift or just plain WRONG gift.       
To avoid an unpleasant and, perhaps, hurtful faux pas, remain gracious and kind to the giving party-
don't make a big deal or seem ingenuous. Just accept the gift and file it away. I suggest at least 1 year to   
any unfortunate and premature "sightings" of said gift. 

Now, what to do wrth the gift in question?  If any label remain, it could be "re-gifted" to an appropriate 
recepient, it might be "exchanged" for credit at a local store if the item's origin is known or it could be
donated to a local resale organization.

My point is....give it ONE (1) year, please, Memories are generally "lost" after a year, and one usually goes into the next gift-giving "phase" after one year. Always  remember to be generous...magnanimous, really, when dealing with others in times of gift-giving. It IS the thought that counts! 

WOW, now that was original!

D. S. Vanderbilt
Rodeo, New Mexico


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